On type:
- backi
- x1 is characterized by x2 (ka) emphasized by x3
- bambu
- x1 is a bamboo (Bambuseae) of genus/species x2.
- basfa
- x1 is an omnibus for carrying x2 in medium x3 propelled by x4.
- bavza
- x1 will happen in x2 length of time; x1 will happen x2 length of time after x3
- bekpi
- x1 is the 'back', dorsum of body x2
- benre
- x1 is the "beneficiary"/intended-recipient of x2 (event/action), as intended by x3 // x2 is done for x1
- bergu
- x1 pertains to bear goo metaphysics in aspect x2
- besto
- x1 dons metaphorical asbestos suit x2 to guard against flames x3 on topic x4 from x5, who disagrees with post x6 for reason x7, not realizing that the post was meant to be sent to x8 rather than all of mailing list x9 (default jboste) where it was posted in response to email
x10, whose author wishes selma'o x11 (default SE) were extended to concisely express place x12 of brivla x13 (default besto) which has place structure x14 and too many places because of sadistic whim x15 of brivla-maker x16, who also created brivla x17 which has place structure x18, and so winds up using too many of cmavo x19 (default zi'o) in order to make the brivla ( x13) more usable by standard x20 and wishes they had never heard of the word besto for reason x21, not realizing for reason x22 that it was suggested sarcastically due to boredom x23 of person x24, who is proposing it against better judgement x25 because it is fun by standard x26, but still wishes it had as many places as x27 (default du) for reason x28, and feels like throwing in epistemology sumti x29, because he/she knows both that gismu x30 (default besto) has its place structure defined by run-on sentence x31 and that epistemology sumti are used in gismu x32 by epistemology x33, notwithstanding the fact that x34 actually has a use for besto places x35 (default 1) through x36 (default x7) and wishes this weren't an extremely long and stupid joke, longer than joke x37 and stupider than joke x38 but still appreciated by x39 - a fact which says x40 about them in the opinion of x41 - but not seen as even remotely amusing by x42, who is aware that x43 has a use for the gismu besto because of x45
- binma
- x1 betrays x2 (person, custom) with treacherous deeds x3 (event/property).
- bitni
- x1 is measured in x2 (number, default 1) bits/shannons (unit of data/information) of logarithmic base x3 (default 2)
- blina
- x1 is blind under condition x2
- blolo
- x1 is a pineapple/member of genus Ananas of species/variety x2
- bonta
- x1 is mint of species/cultivar/variety x2
- borma
- x1 is a storm in/at x2
- boske
- x1 is a forest of components x2
- bravi
- x1 is acclaimed/praised for achievement x2 by x3 via noise/gesture/method of praise
- brivo
- x1 is a predicate word defined as such by its word shape, signifying relation x2 (n-ary property) in language x3
- bruci
- x1 is a button/brooch/fibula (fastener) of material x2
- bunxa
- x1 is a x2osity, a x2onger, an absolute x2 I tell you (augmentative)
- buvla
- x1 (quoted text) is a “bu letteral” of character x2 (zoi quote).
- cadga
- x1 (abstraction) should/(of right) ought to be true/happening under conditions/in the case of x2 being true/happening, as believed by/by standard/under consideration of x3. If the world were proper/correct/just/ruled perfectly and strictly according to x3 and if x2 were true, then x1 would be true as well.
- cadma
- x1 is a shaman/medicine man of group/tribe x2
- cagna
- x1 is a wound on body x2 at locus x3 caused by x4
- cajni
- x1 is a binary operator which is commutative in space/under conditions/on (or endowing) set x2; x1 and x2 are each abelian (in different senses).
- celdi
- x1 is a group of people who love each other in a sexual or non-sexual way, which includes the individuals x2, x3, x4, x5, etc., etc., etc.
- cendo
- x1 pertains to the Shinto culture/religion/ethos in aspect x2
- cfale
- x1 [dimensionful number] is the (relative) phase (difference) in oscillatory system x2 relative to zero mark x3 under conditions/by standard x4
- cimle
- x1 is cute/adorable to x2 in aspect x3 according to aesthetic x4.
- cisni
- x1 is of size/measurement x2 in dimension/aspect x3
- clafi
- x1 is a regular polyhedra/polygon/polytope with the Schläfli symbol {x2, x3, x4, …}
- clenu
- x1 is an axis/center curve/extended center (or, possibly metaphorically, focus 'point') of x2 in sense x3
- cletu
- x1 is a mathematical set, containing members x2
- cmeta
- x1 is meta to/an example of x2 that describes such an object/concept/notion/system/topic/etc., being meta in property/aspect x3, and which has features x4, governed by/considered in system/considerations/epistemology/theory x5; x1 is meta (a particular type of abstraction of x2 so as to apply to itself in some sense); x1 is an/a piece of/an example of x2 that applies fractally thereto
- cmevo
- x1 is a morphologically defined name word meaning x2 in language x3.
- cnida
- x1 empathizes with x2, showing same emotion x3 about x4
- cokte
- x1 is a plum/member of subgenus Prunus of genus Prunus of species/variety x2
- conka
- x1 is functional / usable for function x2
- corci
- x1 is a gesture/facial expression/body part motion/body language/expressive (nonverbal or nonvocal) feature/microexpression/stature/posture/sign/body signal [nonverbal expression made using only one's body parts and items on one's immediate person as extensions of the body in order to communicate; possibly nonlinguistic/extralinguistic] that conveys/expresses thought/emotion/command/idea x2 (nu/si'o; possibly text and other types) made using body part/utensil/object/at locus x3 in/by motion/action/means x4
- cpixa
- x1 appears
- crami
- x1 is a mythological/fantastic creature [mythical organism] of mythos/religion/story/culture x2.
- creze
- x1 practices/exercises/studies/improves at doing/being x2 by doing/being x3
- cukre
- x1 reflects/relates to/pertains to CLL (Lojbanic) grammatical standards in manner/aspect x2, specific to version x3 (contextless default: the most recent version that has been officially accepted by the Lojban language's governing body (presently, the BPFK))
- cumba
- x1 is an arthropod; x1 is a bug (broad sense)
- cusna
- x1 (scalar-valued) is the norm/magnitude/size of concrete (and specific) mathematical object x2 in norm space/according to metric (if relevant)/by definition/of type x3
- dajbu
- x1 is okay/alright/acceptable to x2 by standard x3
- dajne
- x1 is careful/cautious in x2 (ka)
- danci
- x1 is the spacial interval/geodesic segment (or line segment/ray/line) from location/point x2 to location/point x3 in geometry/frame of reference x4.
- darca
- x1 arrives at x2 via route x3
- dardu
- x1 is the standard by which x2 (abstraction) is true
- datca
- x1 examines/checks/investigates x2 for x3 (ka/ni)
- datro
- x1 (event) is dated/pertaining to day/occurring on day x2 of month x3 of year x4 in calendar x5
- delta
- x1 (amount/value (li/ni) or labelled entity) is the (mutual) difference between/change in (states/realizations of/output from) general and relevant idea/object or subject of interest or function/aspect/property/topic/dependent parameter/dependent variable x2 under or due to a change in (independent) parameter/variable/index/identification/ownership/property/aspect x3 (generic name) to (later) specific state/realization/value/person/entity/meaning x4 (type and dimensions match those of x3) from (earlier) specific state/realization/value/person/entity/meaning x5 (type and dimensions match that of x3), under circumstances/conditions/with(in) scope/with caveats x6.
- didni
- x1 deduces/reasons by deduction/establishes by deduction that x2 is true about x3 from general rule x4
- digno
- x1 is aligned diagonally along/between nonadjacent vertices x2 as in polytope x3; x1 is a diagonal line segment/linear manifold of lower dimension as viewed in frame of reference x3; x1 is crooked (one sense), skew (one sense, see notes), off-kilter (one sense), away from center/off-center, non-orthogonal/not perpendicular nor parallel, at an angle, perhaps non-vertical and non-horizontal, diagonal to x2 in figure/coordinate system x3.
- dilma
- x1 belongs to conjugacy class x2 in structure x3 under conditions x4
- dindi
- x1 is a non-binary/intersex (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
- dinso
- x1 is a 'dinosaur' [very general: any ancient quasi-reptilian vertebrate or, possibly but probably not, modern bird] of type x2 living in era x3.
- dinti
- x1 is a non-binary/intersexed (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered, gender-fluid, transgendered, two-spirited, alternatively gendered, or affirmatively non-binarily gendered or nongendered/graygendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
- ditcu
- x1 is the time-duration/interval/period/[elapsed time] of event x2.
- divzi
- x1 (living cell) divides itself into x2 (full set of the same type as x1)
- djika
- x1 wants to do x2 (property of x1)
- dolna
- x1 is a (topological) hole in object x2
- drisu
- x1 is medicine used to treat illness/disease x2 ({bilma}/ka/state) via mechanism of action x3 (event) at dosage x4 (ka))
- dukni
- x1 is a binary operator in space/under conditions/on (or endowing) set x2 such that there is an identity element and for any element for which it is defined in the space (excepting possibly a small number of special elements), there exists at least one element also in the space which is a left-inverse of that element under the operator.
- dulnu
- x1 is dull/blunt at locus x2
- durna
- x1 is a durian/member of genus Durio of species/cultivar x2
- dutso
- x1 is clockwise/right-turn-direction of[/to] x2 along/following track x3 [path] in frame of reference x4 (where the axis is within the region defined by the track as the boundary, as viewed from and defined by view(er) x4; see notes); x1 is locally to the right of x2, according to x4, constrained along x3; x1 is along a right turn from x2 along path x3, as viewed in frame x4.
- dzama
- x1 performs chore / menial duty / housework / errand x2 (nu/ka) for purpose / as obliged by x3.
- dzoli
- x1 is recursively related to x2 by applying x3 (number) levels-of-recursion of the predicate-relation x4 (ka with two ce'u)
- dzuma
- x1 is the one that most satisfies property x2 among x3.
- facni
- x1 is an n-ary operator/map which is distributive/linear/homomorphic in or over or from space/structure x2, mapping to space or structure x3, thereby producing a new space/structure x4 which is the 'union' of x2 and x3 endowed with x1; x1 distributes over/through all of the operators of x2.
- fanji
- x1 is a geometric ray/semi-infinite linear object with endpoint/source x2 and toward and through point x3 (distinct from x2).
- farka
- x1 is an orientation of/on (base) object x2 with features/characteristics/definition x3; x2 is an unoriented version of an object endowed with/given orientation/direction/face x1.
- fegli
- x1 is ugly to x2 in aspect x3
- fibra
- x1 is a fiber of type/material x2
- fidna
- x1 pretends/feigns that x2 is true in activity x3; x1 does x3 as though x2 were true
- firca
- x1 flirts with x2 by doing x3
- fizbu
- x1 is excited/feels excitement about x2 (event/property); x2 excites x1
- fizde
- x1 awaits for x2 (event) with bated breath; x1 waits for the occurrence of x2 excitedly/impatiently/restlessly; colloquially: x1 just cannot wait for x2 to happen; x1 is eager for event x2.
- flese
- x1 is (a) philosophy/ideology (one sense) about/of/pertaining to topic/subfield (one sense) x2 with subfield (different sense)/features/details/specifics/specific idea(s) x3, with methodology x4, followed/thought/considered by x5 (thinker/philosopher/individual); philosophy x1 is characterized by values/thoughts/opinions/ruminations x3 about topic/subject x2.
- flipo
- x1 reflects Filipino culture/nationality/language/geography in aspect x2
- fuvla
- x1 is a loanword meaning x2 in language x3, based on word x4 in language x5.
- galki
- x1 is a galaxy, of contents x2 and other characteristics/parameters x3; x1 is galactic.
- ganda
- x1 is turned off / deactivated, not performing function x2
- ganvi
- x1 is the sensory media content of type/stimulating sense/containing experience information x2 of recording/broadcast/media x3 displayed/produced by medium/device x4.
- gaspo
- x1 pertains to Gua\spi language/culture in aspect x2
- gelga
- x1 is an eagle/hawk/buzzard/bird-of-prey of species x2
- glife
- x1 is a glyph, elemental symbol within an agreed set of symbols, intended to represent character x2
- glosa
- x1 is a gloss (brief explanatory note or translation) of x2 (text)
- gluli
- x1 is glue/adhesive of composition x2
- gomja
- x1 is a gum/resin/glue of composition x2; x1 is gummy/chewy/glutinous
- grafu
- x1 is the graph on vertices/nodes x2 (set) and edges x3 (set of ordered or unordered 2-tuples of vertices in x2) and with additional properties x4.
- grava
- x1 pertains/is related to/reflects (the) gravitational interaction [fundamental]/gravity in manner/with properties/in state/with realization x2, coupling to x3 in manner/with strength x4
- gumri
- x1 is a mushroom of species x2.
- janka
- x1 is a spider of species/variety x2
- jbobo
- x1 reflects jbobau language/culture/nationality/community in aspect x2
- jenje
- x1 'copies'/acknowledges/confirms of receipt and understanding of message/transmission/communication x2 from sender/station x3.
- jensi
- x1 is a (set/pair) of scissors/shears/clippers/(hedge) trimmers/tongs [tool] with parts/blades x2 (scissor) and used for purpose x3
- jguna
- x1 is an institution in society/culture x2
- jguvi
- x1 is a monster of species/variety x2
- jicfo
- x1 is after x2 in sequence x3
- jidge
- x1 has the opportunity to do/be x2 (event/property) under conditions x3; x1 gets to do x2
- jijgi
- x1 is a connective question, requesting the connective between x2 (du'u) and x3 (du'u) in that order, assuming that they are true.
- jikfi
- x1 is a physical interaction [colloquially: force] between x2 (interacting participants/objects; symmetric) with characteristics/of type x3
- jikni
- x1 consists of the economic system (production and distribution and consumption) of sector components x2; x1 is economic.
- jitni
- x1 pertains to politics/political affairs/political dynamics/interactions in system x2, involving actors x3 (set), and concerning topic x4.
- jmite
- x1 meets (encounters for the first time) x2 under conditions x3
- jonse
- x1 accesses x2 for purpose x3, access/interaction in manner x4; x1 approaches / reaches / interacts with / reads / uses x2.
- jviso
- x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
- kalpi
- x1 is calm/cool/unperturbed
- kamro
- *moved to karmo*
- kanpe
- x1 expects/looks for the occurence of x2 (event), expected likelihood x3 (0-1, default {li} {so'a} i.e. near 1); x1 subjectively evaluates the likelihood of x2 (event) to be x3.
- kapsi
- x1 is a chili/bell pepper (Capsicum) of species/variety x2
- katci
- x1 is turned on / activated / operational for function x2
- katso
- x1 is a/the penis [body-part] of x2
- kavzi
- x1 is "quasi" in property (ka) x2; x1 is "similar but not quite"/analogical to/comparable to having property x2; x1 is a quasi-x2.
- kazmi
- x1 (li) is the cardinality of set x2 (set)
- kebzo
- x1 reflects Quebec nationality/culture/geography in aspect x2 (ka)
- kekti
- x1 is 10(-30) of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
- kelto
- x1 is represents Celtic culture in aspect x2
- kenka
- k1 is a quantity of cake/torte/tart/pie/flan made of/containing ingredients k2, prepared according to method k3.
- kerni
- x1 (state/event/fact) is fair/just/righteous to x2 according to x3
- kesri
- x1 (property of x2) is a stereotype of x2 (object/set), held by x3
- ketro
- x1 is 1030 of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
- kibro
- x1 pertains to the internet/cyberspace in aspect x2.
- kilga
- x1 is x2 (default 1) kilograms [SI base unit] in mass by standard x3.
- kinfi
- x1 is a binary relationship which is symmetric (under exchange of arguments/terms) in space/under conditions/on set x2.
- kinra
- x1 is a binary relationship which is reflexive in space/under conditions/on set x2.
- kipsi
- x1 keeps/raises x2 [animals] in sty/stall/stale/pen x3 for purpose x4
- kloje
- x1 (set/space) is closed under(/wrt) operator/relation x2; x2 has closure in x1.
- kokso
- x1 is a coconut of variety/cultivar x2
- konve
- x1 (set/shape) is convex in sense x2.
- kordu
- x1 is an accordion/concertina/harmonica/chromonica [free-reed aerophone] made of x2
- korvo
- s1 is a crow/raven of species s2.
- kosmu
- x1 (abstraction) is a purpose/use of x2 (object or event), attributed by x3
- krali
- x1 (NU) is a legal/moral entitlement of x2 (individual/mass) by standard x3. x2 is a legal person.
- kroxo
- x1 is the core/nub/essence/heart/true part of entity/body/building/thing x2
- kukru
- x1 is orthogonal/perpendicular/right/at right angle/rectified/square/normal to x2, where they (are projected to) intersect orthogonally at locus/on set x3, otherwise being utterly distinct (and not even on the same axis/scale) in sense x4
- kurti
- x1 (proposition) is data/information being an example of deep formalization of subject x2 gathered by method x3 (proposition)
- lacni
- x1 is an eyewear used/worn by x2 serving purpose x3.
- ladlo
- x1 is loyal to x2 by standard x3 (ka).
- laldo
- x1 is old/aged [relatively long in elapsed duration] by standard x2
- lamdu
- x1 is a lamp/candle/torch with fuel/power source x2
- lanru
- x1 is a lantern/flashlight/portable light source illuminating x2, in style/with properties x3
- larki
- l1 is an orchid of species/strain l2
- larva
- x1 is an organism x2 at its larva stage of development
- latci
- x1 is a lizard of species/variety x2
- laxte
- x1 is the home galaxy (default: Milky Way) of object/group/entity/race/vel sim. x2.
- lelxe
- x1 is a lily [Lilium] of species/strain x2
- lenga
- x1 is a speakable language used by persons x2
- letci
- x1
is a lychee (Litchi chinensis) of variety x2
- ligma
- x1 plays a joke on x2 using homophonous word x3 (default ligma) with intended meaning x4 (ligma balls)
- likse
- x1 is a x2y, a x2boo, a x2ums (diminutive)
- limfa
- x1 is a lymph of body x2
- lince
- x1 is a lynx of species x2
- linga
- x1 is the ISO-named language of people x2 with ISO-name x3, according to rule/specification x4
- linme
- x1 is a quantity of slime/goop/goo of material/composition including x2.
- loglo
- x1 pertains to Loglan language/culture in aspect x2
- lojgo
- x1 is/pertains to/reflects some version of Loglan or Lojban, or the derivatives thereof (or any language, project, thing which is path-connected thereto by derivation), in aspect/property x2 (ka).
- lokra
- x1 is a crustacean of order/family x2
- lucpa
- x1 (person(s)) is/are adopted by x2 (individual, family, tribe/clan, community, team, institution, etc.) into the latter's overarching family/clan/tribe/community/team/institution/etc. x4 in(to) role/relation x3 or an analog thereof via means/law/norm/socio-cultural or other mechanism x5; x2 adopts x1 into x2's family11.
- luksi
- x1 is electric [adjective] producing electric field x2.
- luska
- x1 is a mollusc of species x2
- majvu
- x1 is a microörganism, virus, protein, spore, pathogen, or other such substance which causes or is intimately associated with disease(s)/symptoms x2.
- malve
- x1 is mauve [color]
- mango
- x1 is a mango [fruit] of species/variety x2.
- manva
- x1 is ten thousand [10000; 104] of x2 in dimension/aspect x3
- mapra
- x1 is a quantity of fluff of composition/structure/characterization/substance x2; x1 is fluffy/airy/soft/fuzzy in texture
- matce
- (moved to "{matxe}") x1
- matxe
- x1 is magnetism/magnetization (or magnetic charge or magnetic current; or part of a magnetic dipole) in/on/of/produced by/evinced by/associated with x2 (monopole or a dipole, taken in whole or just as a single side/part/pole thereof) of polarity/quantity x3 (default: positive, which indicates magnetic-south in English).
- medzo
- x1 meditates about x2 using practice/method/study x3
- mekca
- x1 is cosmetics/makeup of of composition x2
- melmi
- x1 is a honey produced by x2
- menre
- x1 is/are among the referent(s) of x2
- mespo
- x1 reflects Mesopotamian geography/chronology/culture/language/identity in aspect x2
- metfo
- x1 (bridi) is a metaphor/figurative expression having literal meaning x2 to observer x3
- metro
- x1 is localized public transport system for city/metropolitan region/locale/region x2 using infrastructure/facilities/means of transportation x3.
- modju
- x1 (li; number) is congruent to x2 (li; number; see description for canonical/traditional/contextless default usage) modulo x3 (li; number); \frac(x1 - x is an integer.
- mormo
- m1 pertains to Latter-day Saint (Mormon) religion/culture/ethnicity in aspect m2.
- moxna
- x1 is not enough/an insufficient amount/too little/too few of x2 by standard x3.
- nalfi
- x1 is invariant/unchanged by/symmetric/symmetrical/unaffected under transformation/effect/exchange/operation/external change x2 in property x3 (ka).
- nalfo
- x1 is a faucet/spigot/tap of x2 (object/structure)
- nalti
- x1 is a logical 'NOT' statement resulting from the (multiplicative) negation of/applying the 'NOT' operator to x2 (du'u); x1 is the logical negation/negative of x2.
- nedlo
- x1 pertains to Dutch/Netherlandic culture/language/ethnicity in aspect x2
- nerde
- x1 is a nerd/geek (demonstrates esoteric intense interests at the cost of social acceptance) according to standard/within culture x2 with nerdy/geeky interests x3
- nicfa
- x1 (vector) is the displacement of x2 (object/point) relative to x3 (object/point; contextless default: origin) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x4 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x5
- niclu
- x1 (partially) occupies/fulfills niche x2 (this is a specific assemblage of roles, purposes, strategies, characteristics, behaviors, physical forms or traits, interactions with an environment, etc.) via particular method/mode/trait x3, in evolutionary or interaction or social or ecological or conceptual or strategic or physical environment x4; the x2 niche is occupied by x1 in way or via form/fashion x3; x2 is a niche in evolutionary system x4.
- nonka
- x1 is alone in event/state/action x2
- nonmu
- x1 is an agender humanoid person [not necessarily adult].
- norgo
- x1 reflects Norwegian culture/nationality in aspect x2
- nudle
- x1 are noodles made of x2
- nuktu
- x1 reflects Inuit/Eskimo culture/language/people/geography in aspect x2
- nulpa
- x1 is 1 [1×100] of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
- nunmu
- x1 is a non-binary humanoid person [not necessarily adult].
- nusna
- x1 induces x2 about x3 from specific facts x4
- nutko
- x1 is the language/sublanguage that uses no apparent terbri/selbri distinction and is used by x2 to express ideas (not text) x3.
- nuzlo
- x1 reflects New Zealand culture/nationality/geography/dialect in aspect x2.
- pagzu
- x1 participates in x2 in manner x3
- palma
- x1 is a palm tree (Palmae/Arecaceae) of species x2
- palpi
- x1 palpates/palps/touch-feels x2 (surface structure)
- pamga
- x1 is a papaya (fruit) of species/variety/cultivar x2
- pardu
- x1 is a leopard of species x2
- parji
- x1 is a parasite of x2.
- paska
- x1 is x2 Pascal [metric unit] in pressure (default is 1) by standard x3.
- paxra
- x1 is a cross-section (substance viewed cross-sectionally) of object x2 made from perspective/side/orientation/along (and perpendicular to) axis
x3 (this determines the shape) and made in hyperplane/at depth/to contain/consisting of particular slice x4 (this determines the size and content), of dimensionality x5 [li; integer greater than -2, less than or equal to the dimensionality of x2]; x1 is the result and arranged content of the intersection of x2 with an (x5) -dimensional hyperplane that is perpendicular to axis x3 and along it such that it has a depth (approximately x4) in x2 that allows it to contain a particular slice (of) x4
- paznu
- x1 is a non-binary offspring/child of parent(s) x2 [not necessarily biological]; x1 is filial (but not a son or daughter).
- penka
- x1 is pink
- pentu
- x1 is a non-binary sibling of/to x2 by bond/tie/standard/parent(s) x3; [not necessarily biological].
- pevna
- x1: its qualities are represented as a metaphor x2 in dimension x3+1,2
- pirxo
- x1 is the language/sublanguage that uses no apparent recursion rules and is used by x2 to express ideas (not text) x3.
- pitsa
- x1 is a pizza with topping/ingredients x2.
- pluna
- x1 orbits a (common) barycenter with x2, with orbital characteristics/parameterz x3.
- pocli
- x1 poses deflated and derided morally worthless, cheap, vulgar, commonplace, banal qualities according to x2 in aspect x3
- pombo
- x1 is unique in property x2; x1 is the only thing/all of the things that satisfy x2
- poplu
- x1 is poplar / aspen / cottonwood (plant of genus Populus) of species x2
- porno
- x1 is pornography of sexual orientation x2 in presentation/medium x3 of specialty/specialization/concentration/focus x4
- praci
- x1 practices/exercises x2 (ka)
- premi
- x1 is the principal/chief/main/boss/primary/premier in aspect/organizational principle/role x2 (ka) in organization/system x3.
- preri
- x1 is a non-binary parent of x2 [not necessarily biological].
- proga
- x1 is a program, computer application for doing x2 (clause)
- proji
- x1 makes program x2 using language x3 for computer x4 and for purpose x5; x1 is a programmer
- pruri
- x1 itches at locus x2
- pupsu
- x1 is a waterfall (geological and hydrological, semi-permanent feature) with source/flowing fluid x2 (fluid need not be water), with rock/terrain characteristics/grade (slope)/features x3 in potential (gravitational well/field) x4; mass/quantity of fluid x2 flows over feature x3 so as to fall /tumble down it (continuously)
- puvza
- x1 happened x2 length of time ago; x1 happened x2 length of time before x3
- ragbi
- x1 is a game of rugby
- rakle
- x1 is an atomic element in group x2 [usually, vertical column; denotes electron configuration and, thereby, chemical similarity with vertical neighbors] and period x3 [usually, horizontal row; denotes similarity in size with horizontal neighbors, as well as having the same number and type of electron shells as them] and belonging to other 'class'/'category'/'type'/having other properties x4
according to scheme/organization pattern/standard/periodic table x5.
- ranlu
- x1 is enough/a sufficient amount of x2 by standard x3.
- ratma
- x1 is a member of family Muridae of species/breed x2
- rexsa
- x1 is a dinosaur [specific: only clade Dinosauria] of type x2 living in era x3.
- ribga
- x1 is a logical statement that x2 (du'u) is true regardless of/irrespective of/independent of/whether or not x3 being/is true.
- rikro
- x1 invites x2 to listen to Rick Astley song x3.
- rindo
- x1 is Native American/Indian in aspect x2
- rirli
- x1 is realistic/sane (colloquial sense)/pragmatic/practical/typical/frequent/fairly probable/deemed to be likely to actually happen in real-life (as opposed to in a flight of fantasy or being merely possible but unlikely/abnormal) according to judge x2 and under external conditions/rules for judgment/considerations x3
- romlo
- x1 reflects Romani/Romany/gypsy culture/nationality/language in aspect x2
- ronci
- x1 is 10(-27) of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
- ronro
- x1 is 1027 of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
- ronsa
- x1 is redundant/unnecessary with x2 because the both satisfy property x3 (ka) under conditions / because of reason x4 (nu/du'u)
- ronte
- x1 is a rodent [can be a member of eutherian mammal Rodentia; semantic broadening might subjectively generalize the concept somewhat] of subtaxon/type/genus/species/breed/variety x2.
- sacni
- x1 is an exactly sufficient/barely enough/just right amount of x2 by standard x3.
- salmo
- x1
is a salmon/trout of species x2
- salni
- x1 is salty/briny to observer x2.
- salri
- x1 is the differintegral of x2 with respect to x3 of order x4, with differintegration being according to definition/specification or of type x5.
- sanra
- x1 scatters/disperses/diffuses/dissolves in medium x2 from starting point x3
- sarni
- x1 [idéal shape/form] is a three-angled shape/form defined by set of corners/vertices x2 [set], sides/dimensions x3
- sefsi
- x1 is/are related to itself/himself/herself/themselves by relation x2
- sekre
- x1 is a secretary of company or boss x2
- sengi
- x1 is an elephant shrew/jumping shrew/sengi (member of Afrotherian mammal order: Macroscelidea) of subtaxon/type/genus/species/variety/breed x2
- sepre
- x1 pertains to the inner world/personal/intimate experiences/thoughts/feelings of person x2 in aspect x3.
- sesre
- x1 reflects USSR (Soviet Union)/Soviet culture/Soviet nationality in aspect x2
- sfite
- x1 is an appointment/date between persons (individual/mass) x2 scheduled for time x3
- sfopu
- x1 is borked/borken and can no longer perform function x2
- sibli
- x1 is a hissing sound
- sicpi
- x1 is rain of composition including x2.
- sigda
- x1 is a material conditional/'IF' statement (logical statement) saying that x2 (du'u) logically implies x3 (du'u) ("x3 is true if x2 is true; if x2, then x3; x2 being true is sufficient to guarantee the truth of x3").
- sigma
- x1 is the standard variation of/in data set/distribution x2; x1 is the quantified (in)accuracy of the results x2 given by some observation or measurement (procedure), calculated from/by standard x3
- sikta
- x1 affects x2 in manner x3 (nu / ka-of-x2)
- sitla
- x1 (person) refers to/checks out/confers/looks at/looks up/consults reference or citation x2 for purpose x3.
- skudi
- x1 is a logical XOR/mutual-contradiction/exclusive disjunction statement saying that only/exactly one of x2 and x3 can be true at any given time.
- skuna
- x1 (agent) expresses/says x2 (sedu'u/text/lu'e concept) for audience x3 via expressive medium x4.
- smaka
- x1 feels the taste x2
- smela
- x1 is a plum/peach/cherry/apricot/almond/sloe [fruit] (genus Prunus) of species/variety x2
- smusu
- x1 expresses meaning x2 (du'u/si'o) to addressee/audience x3 by doing x4 (property of x1)
- snafu
- x1 is a fucked up/snafu/gaffe/messed up (wrong) event/situation caused by x2 by standard x3; x2 fucks up in doing or by causing x1.
- sniju
- x1 is a coconut (Cocos nucifera) of variety x2
- sondu
- x1 is a monk/nun of religion/sect x2, associated with convent/monastery/nunnery x3.
- sorni
- x1 (ka) property of x2 is metaphorically sufficient as to be equivalent to x3 (ka).
- speci
- x1 is an x2 of species/cultivar/breed/taxon x3.
- spero
- x1 pertains to Esperanto language/culture in aspect x2
- spupi
- x1 is spoopy in property x2 thank mr skeltal doot doot
- srate
- x1 (object) is serrated/jagged/with many and repeating and small and sharp teeth/sawtoothed, with serration x2 (pattern/design/characteristics (ka) / individual tooth); x1 is a saw (general sense); x2 is a saw tooth.
- stima
- x1 comes to an end; x1 ceases to happen
- stori
- x1 [body-part] is the upper/normally exposed part(s) or region(s) of a plant or sedentary organism (stalk/stem/trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, fruit; not root, bulb, or burrowing parts), belonging to plant x2.
- sumro
- x1 reflects Sumerian geography/chronology/culture/language/identity in aspect x2
- supso
- x1 is a/the nipple/papilla [body-part] of x2.
- takni
- x1 is a binary relationship which is transitive in space/under conditions/on set x2.
- taksi
- x1 is a taxi
- talno
- x1 reflects Italian culture/nationality/language in aspect x2
- tasmi
- x1 is the way or manner in which activity/event x2 is done/happens
- tasta
- x1 is a taste of x2
- tcaka
- x1 glitters/sparkles/shimmers/twinkles with light x2
- tcaxe
- x1 (object) has charge x2 (number) in units x3 for interaction/of type x4 and in/by/using convention x5
- tceta
- x1 is a whale/dolphin/porpoise (order Cetacea) of species/breed x2
- tcipi
- x1 is crispy/crunchy/hard brittle food typically producing a sound when eaten to x2
- tcuti
- x1 is a sibling of a direct ancestor/elder of x2 by bond/tie/relation/standard x3 (not necessarily genetic/biological nor necessarily directly ancestral); x1 is an associated member of one of x2's ancestor's generation; x1 is an (great-(great-(...)))uncle/aunt of x2.
- tekla
- x1 is a button/key (of piano, typewriter, computer) causing event x2 (property of x1)
- tende
- x1 (entity) tends, has tendency to x2 (property of x1)
- tendo
- x1 is the tendon/ligament/sinew attaching body part x2 to body part x3 in body x4
- tifri
- x1 is the audience/enjoying or partaking party of work/performance/program/entertainment/transmission/experience/story/presentation/act x2 (concrete or abstract), via means/mode/expressed in format/using senses x3; x1 watches/listens/reads/experiences x2.
- tigra
- x1 is a tiger (Panthera tigris) of subspecies/breed x2
- tinri
- x1 (abstraction) bores x2 in manner x3; x2 is bored by/experiences boredom about x1, the boredom being of type/form x3.
- tipre
- x1 asks question x2 (du'u) to x3 regarding x4
- tonsi
- x1 is transgender / nonbinary / gender-non-conforming
- torso
- x1 is the torso (part of body excluding head and limbs) of x2
- torta
- x1 is a cake in style/with ingredients x2
- tovla
- x1 is a rainbow at location x2
- tsaba
- x1 pertains/is related to/reflects (the) strong nuclear force [fundamental physical interaction]/chromodynamic interaction in manner/with properties/in state/with realization x2, coupling to x3 in manner/with strength x4
- tsida
- x1 is a logical statement of proposition-equivalence/is a biconditional/'IFF' statement saying that x2 (du'u) is true if and only if x3 is true ("x2 is logically equivalent to x3; x2 being true is sufficient and necessary for guaranteeing the truth of x3; x2 iff x3").
- tsuku
- x1 arrives at x2 via route x3
- tubra
- x1 is a limb/appendage/extremity of body/entity x2 used for purpose x3
- tulnu
- x1 pertains to/reflects the history/geography/culture/language/nation of region/people x2 in aspect x3
- turko
- x1 reflects Turkish culture/nationality/language in aspect x2
- tutle
- x1 is/reflects/pertains to race/societal(/social) classification x2 culture/status in aspect x3, of subtype/particular subcategory/group/tribe x4, by definition/standard/societal classification system x5
- vedli
- x1 remembers experience x2 (li'i)
- vente
- x1 is the ventral part of body x2
- vepre
- x1 is a non-binary child/kid/juvenile [a young person] of age x2 immature by standard x3.
- verjo
- x1 is a/the penis [body-part] of x2
- vidvi
- x1 is the video/(possibly changing) visual content to/of recording/broadcast x2 displayed/produced by medium/device x3
- vilco
- x1 is willing to do/be x2 (property)
- vinpa
- x1 is a deliberately placed sign meaning x2 to x3 (x2 being relevant to x3's situation when perceiving x1)
- vinta
- x1 (user/consumer) is an addict of/is addicted to substance/entity/experience x2 by standard x3
- volve
- x1 returns to x2 from x3; x1 moves/gives back to x2 from x3.
- vubla
- x1 pertains/is related to/reflects (the) weak nuclear force [fundamental interaction] in manner/with properties/in state/with realization x2, coupling to x3 in manner/with strength x4
- vujnu
- x1 is the subtraction-difference of x2 and x3 (and x4 etc.); x1 = x2 - x [ - x4 etc.]
- vukna
- x1 confuses x2 with x3; x1 misidentifies x2 as x3
- xadji
- x1 is a body part of x2 that is meant to dextrously manipulate or grasp objects (along with other potential purposes); x1 is prehensile.
- xalda
- x1 is a blueberry [fruit] of species/variety x2
- xango
- x1 reflects Korean culture/nationality/language in aspect x2
- xanmi
- x1 pertains to the animist culture/religion/ethos (animism) in aspect x2
- xavli
- x1 reflects Hawaiian culture/language/people/geography in aspect x2
- xaxre
- x1 is x2 ares in area by standard x3
- xekce
- x1 acts Lojbanically cruel/pedantic toward x2 in manner x3 (ka)
- xenmu
- x1 very greatly has property x2 relatively to population x3.
- xerno
- x1 reflects Irish/Hibernian culture/geography/nation/history/language in property x2
- xexto
- x1 pertains to Xextan in aspect x2
- xilva
- x1 heals/recovers from x2
- xinro
- x1 reflects Indo-European culture/language in aspect x2
- xlobi
- x1 is a hobby of x2
- xorlo
- x1 reflects/relates to/pertains to xorlo (Lojbanic) grammatical standards in manner/aspect x2, specific to version x3 (contextless default: the most recent version that has been officially accepted by the Lojban language's governing body (presently, the BPFK))
- xrata
- x1 snores/snorts (intransitive verb)
- xrotu
- x1 is affectionate with x2
- xudvu
- x1 is an aldehyde related to chemical x2
- xugri
- x1 returns to being the case.
- xumbe
- x1 (person, being, entity) is in an altered and (medically/legally) abnormal state of mind due to substance/factors x2, being in state (with characteristics) x3, classification as such according to/by standard x4
- zandi
- x1 is dirty/contaminated with debris/contaminant x2 by standard x3
- zanxi
- x1 (agent) urges/presses/prompts/expedites/hastens x2 (event) for reason x3 (fact, event)
- zejvo
- x1 (text) is a Lojban compound predicate using the particle “zei”; with meaning x2, arguments x3, built from metaphor (tanru) x4.
- zevla
- x1 is a zi'evla-form word meaning x2 (in Lojban); x1 is morphologically a zi'evla
- zgadi
- x1 (abstraction) should/(of right) ought to be true/happening under conditions/in the case of x2 being true/happening, as believed by/by standard/under consideration of x3. If the world were proper/correct/just/ruled perfectly and strictly according to x3 and if x2 were true, then x1 would be true as well.
- zirli
- x1 pertains to/relates to/happens in real-life (IRL) in aspect x2; x1 is (in one sense each, possibly philosophically) not virtual/not via the Internet/not cyber/not simulated/outside of the Matrix/not fantasy/real/realistic
- zmase
- x1 is an enzyme catalyzing reaction x2
- zucna
- x1 is counterclockwise/left-turn-direction of[/to] x2 along/following track x3 [path] in frame of reference x4 (where the axis is within the region defined by the track as the boundary, as viewed from and defined by view(er) x4; see notes); x1 is locally to the left of x2, according to x4, constrained along x3; x1 is along a left turn from x2 along path x3, as viewed in frame x4.
- zurja
- x1 persuades/convinces x2 to do/be x3 (event/property) with action x4
- zviki
- x1 (agent) creates 'hack' x2 (nu/zu'o/si'o) for system/tool x3 from inspiration x4; x2 is an emergent use/purpose for x3, unexpected by the original creators or users